Clubs and Activities

A big part of middle school is exploring new interests, meeting other students, and getting involved. MPMS offers great extracurricular activities. A free late bus transports students home who participate in after-school activities.

Did you know that students may start clubs too? If you are interested in starting a new club or activity, find a staff member to sponsor it, and ask Ms. Tuttle, the principal, for approval. If you are looking for extra help academically, talk with your teachers to see if they stay after school. Whatever you do, try something new!

This information is provided for overview only and is subject to change according to staff resources and student participation. More information can be found through the points of contact listed below:

One Act: Students work together to produce a play to be performed for the Manassas Park community in the winter or spring. Tryouts are open to all MPMS students. After school rehearsals will be held during the week.

Point of Contact: Ms. Kelly Burcher ~ [email protected] 

Library Makerspace: The Library Learning Commons opens the Makerspace Zone from 6:30 to 7:20 am, Monday through Friday. Students may work on the current project, or may discuss plans for creating things with Makerspace supplies. Past projects have included weaving potholders, coloring bookmarks, crocheting hats, and planting spider plants in hand-painted flower pots. Supplies include paper, markers, colored pencils, weaving loops and looms, LEGO pieces and robots, rubber stamps, yarn, a die-cutter for letters and shapes, paint, craft sticks, and glue guns.

Point of Contact: Mrs. Marcia Snyder and Mrs. Penni Palmer-Jones ~ [email protected] [email protected] 

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS):7th and 8th grade students eligible for the NJHS will be notified in the spring and invited to submit an application for candidacy. Once inducted, students participate in club meetings and are expected to maintain service hours and meet other requirements. After school meetings are usually held once a week throughout the school year.

Point of Contact: Ms. Liz Nahser ~ [email protected] 

Student Government Association (SGA): The SGA gives students a voice. SGA sponsors many events throughout the year, including dances and carnivals. Meetings occur approximately once a month after school. Interested students must complete an application.

Point of Contact: Mrs. Leah Nalette ~ [email protected] 

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